What is Sanity CMS?

Sanity is one of many headless CMS (content management systems) for structured content. Headless CMS helps content editors, marketers, and developers work together to deliver a better content experience to their users.

Does Sanity CMS Work in China?

The short answer is No.

Why? Sanity is built and hosted on top of the Google Cloud Platform which is blocked completely in China. We also wrote a long answer to address the question “Does Sanity Work in China? if you are interested be sure to check it out.

Alternatives for Sanity CMS in China

Since Sanity CMS doesn’t work in China, you are probably looking for an alternative to your content team and developers can switch over to deliver a better content experience for your users.

Few questions you need to have an answer before you are switching over.

1. Does the alternative CMS have a similar user interface and a similar workflow as Sanity? This might sound obvious to you, but I still want to put it here because changing workflow will drastically slow down your teams’ productivity. So when it comes to switching to another headless CMS, this is the no. 1 question for you to have an answer to.

2. Is the alternative CMS giving you the speed boost in China?

If China is important to your company, the load time and speed boost are a must for you. It also highly affects your websites’ ranking on search engines.

3. Is your content team located in China or overseas?

If your content team is in China already, they are likely to experience hangs of the user interface of Sanity CMS already. If you are switching to a new one, you want to avoid this and choose the one that can increase your content team editing and pushing experience. This means the servers of the headless CMS are likely to host inside China.

If your content team is outside of China, you will have no problem on editing and publishing the content, but when your readers in China try to access the content your team put together, it will be slow or even inaccessible. Then, all of your efforts will be wasted because no one in China can read it.

4. Who is managing the alternative CMS? Is it your in-house Ops engineers or is it a fully managed CMS by the provider?

Companies tend to choose a fully managed CMS because it gives you less headache, relatively less spending, and more time to focus on your business and content. On the other hand, if you can allocate your in-house engineers’ time, then there are many open-source headless CMS alternatives to Sanity CMS such as the popular ones Ghost, Strapi, and Keystone (ordered by the number of stars on Github).

But keep in mind that open-source headless CMS doesn’t mean it’s free completely. Because you still need to pay for the cost of the servers and have engineers installed and managed it regularly. This also uses up a lot of your engineers’ time. When you try to scale your business, this always is the bottleneck to the whole engineering and content team, then you will face the decision on switching to a fully managed CMS again.

With that being said, if you are in the position of scaling your business to work in China, you need to find a provider that can give you flexibility and a budget-friendly solution. 21YunBox gives you the fully managed open-source headless CMS like Ghost, Strapi, and WordPress, when it comes to scaling, 21YunBox will get you covered without additional ops engineers involved.

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