Navigating GetResponse in China: A Comprehensive Guide

Get to grips with GetResponse, its functionalities, and its issues in the Chinese tech market with this complete guide.

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GetResponse is a popular online marketing platform supporting email marketing, webinars, and landing page creation. The platform aims in assisting businesses to manage customer relationships and build targeted subscriber lists. Companies that extensively use GetResponse range from small startups to large corporations including IKEA, Hilton, Adobe, and Salesforce. These companies have found GetResponse useful in scaling their marketing efforts across the globe.

Link: GetResponse Official Website


Despite its effectiveness in other territories, GetResponse encounters a few hurdles in the Chinese market. Owing to the particular characteristics of China’s internet infrastructure, the platform occasionally faces speed and loading issues. These problems arise due to the compatibility issues between this marketing tool and local internet settings, impacting the platform’s overall performance.

Link: CDN or 21YunBox - Which One Do You Need for China?

Secondly, legal and compliance issues are another concern. Foreign-based services like GetResponse do not always align with China’s stringent cybersecurity regulations. The level of compliance required by these regulations serves as a significant barrier for foreign businesses operating in the country.

Link: Make Your Site Compliant in China

While GetResponse does have its cloud infrastructure, it does not detail its precise cloud service partners publicly. This lack of transparency might be another contributing factor to its performance issues within the Chinese market.


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